Tag: stability monitoring

read more about Shelf life evaluation and extrapolation
Shelf Life Evaluation and Extrapolation

Shelf life evaluation and extrapolation

How do you set a retest period for a drug substance or shelf life for a drug product? How can extrapolation be applied to propose a retest period or shelf life for a drug product that extends beyond the period covered by real-time stability data? In this article, we outline how we can assist you with … Continued

read more about Susan Whelan joins as Stability and Operations Technician
Susan Whelan Stabililty and Operations Technician

Susan Whelan joins as Stability and Operations Technician

Back in September, Susan Whelan joined the Q1 Scientific team as a Stability and Operations Technician. Just after starting with Q1 Scientific, Susan received an email from the University of Limerick to say that they were awarding her ‘Student of the Year’ after graduating top of her class.