Q1 Scientific were delighted to get involved in the LEAP Project. The LEAP Project is designed to encourage early-stage entrepreneurship’ with 4th class primary school students to learn how to become entrepreneurs and to enable them to design a business plan focusing on innovation and enterprise so that they can present their ideas.
The programme comprised of a series of activity-based workshops giving the students knowledge on different forms of business in Ireland and the initial stepping stones required for setting up their own companies in a fun and stimulating way!
There was a total of 8 classes of students from 8 different schools involved across Waterford City and County. These were:- Scoil Lorcain BNS, St. Declan’s BNS, St. John of God GNS and St. Ursulas primary school in the city with Fenor NS, Kilea BNS (Dunmore East), Ardmore NS and Portlaw NS in the county involved.
Gemma Kennedy from Q1 Scientific was one of the volunteers that supported the programme. Gemma delivered the ‘My First Business’ programme to Kilea BNS Dunmore East. It is an inspirational experience for the students and a rewarding and valuable personal development experience for the volunteer.
The classroom preparation completed by the students on their ‘first business’ was the lead up to the LEAP Event. This was held in Waterford Institute of Technology on 7th and 8th June where all the schools showcased their business ideas each day. They then presented the ideas to additional local business people who were considered as FROGS on the day (For Recognition of Greatness in Students).
The benefits for students are significant, especially those who struggle to maximise their potential, when they can make connections between their in-school work and what they see as the ‘real world’. In a most recent survey performed by JA, 263 teachers from around the country indicated they saw significant gains for their students and 98% said they would recommend JA programmes to colleagues in other schools.
On completion of the LEAP programme Waterford Local Enterprise staff and Minister John Halligan TD, Minister of State for Training, Skills and Innovation acknowledged the volunteer work being carried out by local business people and presented certificates to the eight volunteers who gave their time and knowledge to teach the programme.